10-October 22 2013 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:03 p.m. October 22, 2013 1. MEETING The meeting was held October 22, 2013 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Brent Weaver. MEMBERS PRESENT: Brent Weaver, Sylvia Root, Marty Byrd (by phone) MEMBERS ABSENT: Joella Harvey, Stephanie Gallagher CITY STAFF PRESENT: Kacie Brown, Recreation Assistant, Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Chris Duque, City Manager 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Sylvia Root made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Brent Weaver seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 3. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: a. Discussion/possible action of request for usage from Jefferson County Juniors for the Recreation Center gym. Angela Fanette stated that Jefferson County Juniors has requested use of the facility and has provided a copy of expenses for the club. Currently the charge is $1200 per student to participate and is a select league, not a recreation league, requesting usage for six months, for at least two hours per week. Angela Fanette stated that while she would like to promote volleyball, assisting in select league would require the facility to consider all select teams and their needs regarding spaces to play. This would greatly limit the use of the facility for free play or recreational league for residents. Angela Fanette stated that currently Tuesday and Wednesday nights were available for open court volleyball from 5pm to 8pm for recreational play, and that if coaches were interested in assisting in a city recreational league that would be able to be considered. Brent Weaver made a motion that based on provided information, the long term request of usage, and the availability to rent the facility for usage after hours usage, to deny usage at this time, but for Angela Fanette to make available rental information and guidelines and possible look at another request for short term usage. Sylvia Root seconded the motion. All voted aye. b. Discussion of request from Doug Underwood for a movie in the park. Angela Fanette stated that this item was a continuation of discussion as Mr. Underwood has not formally made a request, but is researching hosting a movie in the park. Mr. Underwood has suggested showing ‘Roman Holiday’ in conjunction with the BoomTown Film Festival to promote arts in mid-county. Marty Byrd asked what all would be involved in the event. Angela Fanette stated that the movie would be free and that vendors could sell food and drink. No action was needed. c. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Erik De La Rosa for a boot camp to be held at the Nederland Recreation Center. Angela Fanette stated that Erik De La Rosa made a request to use the Nederland Recreation Center gym for a boot camp for $40 per month for three months for participants three to five days a week with times as early as 5am. Mr. De La Rosa is a Bridge City resident, and has provided insurance information. Angela Fanette stated that at this time recommendation would be to deny approval since this is for profit and would be competition to local tax payers who help to fund the building. Brent Weaver stated additionally that this could be a budgetary issue in that the employees are not already working at 5am and staff would need to be available to work additional hours and would require additional cost. Marty Byrd stated that the park gates are not even open until 5am and people would not be able park. Brent Weaver made a motion to deny usage of the facility. Marty Byrd seconded the motion. All voted aye. d. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Randy Rich to host futsal for Spring 2014 at the Nederland Recreation Center. Angela Fanette stated that Randy Rich has requested to use the gym on Saturday mornings from January 4, 2014 to March 4, 2014 for futsal for spring in any time that benefits the facility. Fees would remain the same and all are allowed to play. Additionally, this year each player will be encouraged to purchase insurance for each player through the league. Mr. Rich had tried to add the City of Nederland as additional insured through the league but could not without additional expense of a futsal official out of Houston. Mr. Rich volunteers his time to officiate games. Pending review of liability through Holly Guidry, City of Nederland HR Director and TML, Angela Fanette recommended approval of this item. Brent Weaver made a motion to approve the usage. Sylvia Root seconded the motion. All voted aye. 4. COMMUNICATION: a. National Night Out 2013. National Night Out was held at Doornbos Park on Oct. 15th and it seems as if every had a good time. Angela Fanette wanted to show appreciation for all who were involved in supporting local law enforcement. b. Status of the 6th Annual Christmas on the Avenue for December 7th, 2013. Angela Fanette stated planning for Christmas on the Avenue was now in full swing and that fliers would be available the first week of November. Currently the City is booking vendors and attractions for the event, and it will snow in Tex Ritter Park again this year after the Christmas Tree lighting. 5. ADJOURN There being no other business, Sylvia Root made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brent Weaver seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 12:29pm. ________________________ Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director