3-March 26 2013 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:00 p.m. March 26, 2013 1. MEETING The meeting was held March 26, 2013 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root. MEMBERS PRESENT: Joella Harvey, Sylvia Root, Stephanie Gallagher MEMBERS ABSENT: Brent Weaver, Marty Byrd CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director; Chris Duque, City Manager 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Joella Harvey made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Stephanie Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 3. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: a. Discussion of park repairs and improvements for Rienstra Park . Discussion of potential improvements for next budget year for Rienstra Park was given by Angela Fanette. Plans for Rienstra Park include a small coy pond, crushed granite walking trail, and new park benches. Additionally, the park will receive additional landscaping once the trail is complete. Angela Fanette asked for additional ideas and concerns over the next few months so that items could be researched for funding, and stated Rienstra Park would need to stay “natural and rustic” as stated in the use of the Park for its dedication. Mr. Rienstra will be attending future meetings to give input on the project. No action was needed. b. Discussion of July 4th Fireworks Extravaganza 2013. Angela Fanette discussed progress of the City of Nederland and Chamber of Commerce joint 4th of July project for 2013. Currently the City and Chamber of each paid $5000.00 for the event and donations have been received by Chevron in the amount of $3000.00, Philpott for $2000.00, Gulf Credit Union for $2000.00, Broussard’s for $2000.00, FivePoint Credit Union for $2000.00, and ACE Glass for $50.00. Additional donation requests are being made for the project, and other businesses are committing to donation. Previously named donations have been received and receipted to the City of Nederland for the event. Entertainment is being secured for the event, as well as food vendors, including the City of Nederland Parks department sales and Chamber booth sales for the event. No action was needed. 4. COMMUNICATION: a. Art in the Park scheduled for April 13, 2013. Art in the Park will be held April 13, 2013 from 10am to 3pm and will boast live bands, entertainment, dancing, and art booths including local artist and crafters. Spaces start at $10 each for the event. The Museum of the Gulf Coast as well as the Mexican Heritage Society, Painting with a Twist, and other local groups will be in attendance. No action was needed. b. Pool Season 2013 Update. Pool season 2013 hiring has begun with 5 returning staff members so far. Lifeguard classes are scheduled outside of the City, and if needed an instructor can teach a class specifically for the Parks department. Four Family ‘Dive In’ Movie nights have been set, with Domino’s providing pizza at each event. Pool party booking and swim lesson registration began Monday, March 25, 2013, and at end of day 22 pool parties were booked and 19 swim lessons. All booking are done in person at the Recreation Center. No action was needed. 5. REPORTS: a. Report on HOFNOD February 23, 2013. HOFNOD was held on February 23, 2013 from 8am to 12pm at Doornbos Park in conjunction with the Nederland Rotary and the Texas Department of Wildlife. The event hosted trout fishing for over 100 children and their families. b. Report on Trash Bash March 2, 2013. Trash Bash 2013 was held on March 2, 2013. Approximately 75 participants helped pick up over 25 bags of trash, 100 trees were planted, three separate playground structures were painted, pool facilities were painted and cleaned, and graffiti around all the parks was removed. c. Report on Parks Staff working hospitality for Heritage Festival March 16, 2013. The Parks department assisted the Heritage Festival by working the courtesy booth for the Festival. At that time, staff volunteers distributed information about swimming lessons and pool parties, and upcoming summer events for the Department. d. Report on ASK Opening Day March 2, 2013. ASK opening day was held on March 2, 2013 and consisted of concessions, moon bounces for the children, demonstrations from Cheer FX and Mid County Tae Kwando, and a presentation from Cooper Slott, son of Ryan and Amiee Slott, Nederland Residents, who raised over $4,000.00 in donations for ASK as he participated in a state basketball shoot out competition. Cooper requ ested donations for each shot he made for the program or an overall donation to ASK. 6. ADJOURN There being no other business, Stephanie Gallagher made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Joella Harvey seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 12:40pm. ________________________ Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director