8-August 12 2014 MinutesCity of Nederland
Parks Advisory Board
12:09 p.m.
August 12, 2014
The meeting was held August 12, 2014 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at
2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sylvia Root, Joella Harvey, Stephanie Gallagher, Marty Byrd, Brent
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Kacie Brown, Recreation Assistant, Angela Fanette, Parks and
Recreation Director, Chris Duque, City Manager
Stephanie Gallagher made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Joella
Harvey seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
a. Discussion regarding open space adjacent to City Hall (207) North 12th Street.
Angela Fanette presented information regarding the open space adjacent to City
Hall in continued planning for a veterans park. Chris Duque stated that the
project would be done in segments allowing for more research to be done
regarding a statue at the park. Staff is currently researching branch criteria and
will contact local veterans groups for information. Drainage and easements
would also need to be considered before proceeding with the proposed draft
layout. No action was necessary.
b. Discussion regarding Parks & Recreation Fall/Winter park programming.
Angela Fanette presented the Parks & Recreation Departments plans for
programming for Fall/Winter 2014. Programs and dates are National Night Out,
tentatively set on October 7th, 2014, with the location to be determined based on
the construction at the public safety complex. A fall themed evening activity is
tentatively planned for October 11th , 2014 for Doornbos Park, a Veteran’s Day
celebration is planned for November 11th , 2014, and Christmas on the Avenue
will be held on Boston Avenue on December 6th , 2014. No action was necessary.
c. Discussion regarding proposed changes to Parks Ordinances.
Angela Fanette stated that the department would be reviewing potential changes
for the parks to begin this month and asked for input over the next few weeks
regarding current ordinances and usage of the facilities. All fees and hours would
need to be reviewed, structures available for reservation, as well as park code of
conduct and responsibilities of those reserving areas in the park and building.
Pool rental stipulations and pool code of conduct would also be reviewed. No
action was necessary.
d. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Brian English to host a Fall
High School Basketball League.
Angela Fanette presented a request from Brian English to host a fall high school
basketball league at the Nederland Recreation Center on Monday evenings on
September 15th, 22nd, 29th and October 6th and 13th, 2014. In Mr. English’s
request each team would pay $130 to Brian English to participate in the five game
per team league and would cover the cost of scorekeepers and referees.
Additionally, Brian English would pay $15 per team for use of the Recreation
Center for the league to the City of Nederland. All teams will be required to fill
out liability waivers. A tentative tournament date would be October 4 th or 18th,
2014, depending on the availability of the Nederland Recreation Center. Brent
Weaver made a motion to recommend approval of the league. Marty Byrd
seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
e. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Robb Cahal to host sign up
for Nederland Little League for the 2015 season.
Angela Fanette presented a request from Robb Cahal to host sign up for
Nederland Little League as their fields are under construction. Mr. Cahal is
requesting use of the classroom for January 10th, 17th, and 24th from 9am to 2pm
for registration for the spring season. Marty Byrd made a motion to allow usage.
Brent Weaver seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
f. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Zuelma Zepata to host
Zumba at the Nederland Recreation Center.
Angela Fanette presented a request from Zuelma Zepata to host Zumba at the
Nederland Recreation Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 10am. The
cost for the class would be $4 per student. Mrs. Zepata is requesting use of the
gym only and would provide her own sound system and music for the exercise
class. Angela Fanette stated that additional information would be needed in
order to proceed such as comparing the price charged to other classes in the area
and how long the class would run. Brent Weaver stated that the hours of class
were before normal operating hours and would be a cost to the department to
pay a staff member. Angela Fanette stated she would get more information from
Mrs. Zepata regarding this request. No action was necessary.
Parks & Recreation Director’s Report:
a. Report regarding researching usage of parks facilities for private instruction.
Angela Fanette discussed a project she is working on regarding usage of the
facility for private instruction. Benefits and concerns will be researched by
looking into what other cities in the state allow. Currently about half of the cities
researched allow private instruction while half do not allow any type of outside
b. Reminder of ASK approved programming for the Fall/Winter.
Angela Fanette stated as a reminder that the following dates were previously
approved for usage for Adaptive Sports for Kids programming for 2014 . Adaptive
Sports for Kids has approved usage of the gym for Saturday mornings in August
for basketball and for October 4th, 11th, 18th and November 1st 2014 for flag
c. Report on 4th of July festivities.
Angela Fanette reported that 4th of July festivities for 2015 were already in the
planning stages as the 2014 event was a success. Staff is beginning to prepare for
the event and is reviewing improvements for next year and potential sponsorship
for the event.
There being no other business, Marty Byrd made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Stephanie Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting
concluded at 1:03 pm.
Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director