9-September 23 2014 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 1:00 p.m. September 23, 2014 1. MEETING The meeting was held September 9, 2014 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sylvia Root, Brent Weaver, Joella Harvey MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephanie Gallagher, Marty Byrd CITY STAFF PRESENT: Kacie Brown, Recreation Assistant, Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Chris Duque, City Manager 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Brent Weaver made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Joella Harvey seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 3. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: a. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Sulema Zepata to host Zumba at the Nederland Recreation Center. Angela Fanette presented a request from Suelma Zepata to host Zumba at the Nederland Recreation Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 10am, orginally. Additionally, the cost for the class was $4 per student, but Mrs. Zepata changed the cost to $3 per student. Mrs. Zepata requested use of the gym for the class. Angela Fanette stated if approved it would be necessary to put a limit on how many weeks the class could run in case participation was low. Currently Zumba is available to residents at other locations. The usage would limit time for open gym hours if hosted during open hours. Brent Weaver stated that at this time the department should look into if there should be a policy in place to make sure that requests are not a competition to local businesses. After much discussion, it was determined a potential policy could be put in place before this program could be considered and that it should be researched. Brent Weaver made a motion denying recommendation of the requested usage at this time. Joella Harvey seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. b. Discussion of planned park improvements.  Sundeck-The sundeck at Doornbos Park will be rebuilt after consultation with an engineer. The sundeck is currently a wooden structure and parks staff is hoping to be able to construct the new deck from metal for durability.  Pool-Angela Fanette stated that the pool spray area budget has been approved for next fiscal year. Currently the department is researching options.  Concrete-Concrete will be repaired at Doornbos Park by the Public Works department.  Welcome sign-A Welcome Sign is currently being constructed and should be finished shortly.  Veterans Park-A Veterans Park area has been planned for a space adjacent to City Hall and staff is currently determining how to proceed in collection of names or if that is a possibility. Library staff has offered to assist with the project. Angela Fanette suggested creating a committee to review how to proceed with criteria for any name placement. No action was needed. 4. REPORTS: a. Parks & Recreation Director End of Pool Season Report 2014. Angela Fanette presented an end of season report stating that the pool had over 6,000 visitors during open swim and that the department total revenue was $97,006.10. The pool was closed either entirely or off and on due to weather for 13 days over the season. The season was from Memorial Day to Labor Day. b. National Night Out October 7th. Angela Fanette reminded the board that National Night Out will be on October 7 th from 5:30pm to 8pm on Boston Avenue. c. Monsters in the Park October 11th. Angela Fanette reminded the board that Monsters in the Park would be held at Doornbos Park on Oct. 11th starting at 5pm and a movie being shown at dark. 5. ADJOURN There being no other business, Sylvia Root made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Joella Harvey seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 1:05 pm. ________________________ Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director