1-January 13 2016 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:03 p.m. January 13, 2016 1. MEETING The meeting was held January 13, 2016 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sylvia Root, Stephanie Gallagher, Brian Gentile, Alex Rupp, Marty Byrd MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Kacie Brown, Recreation Assistant, Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Stephanie Gallagher made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Marty Byrd seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 3. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: a. Discussion regarding park projects and improvements. Angela Fanette stated that the construction of sidewalk repairs is underway and is being done by Public Works and will occur over the next 4 weeks. Annual gym floor maintenance will occur on Thursday, February 25th and the Recreation Center will be closed for public usage Thursday, February 25th- February 29th. The facility will open March 1, 2016 for regular building usage. Quotes are currently being gathered for possible installations of dugouts at Doornbos Park. Nederland’s Veterans Park granite soldier structure has been ordered and we hope to have the installation complete by spring. The department is researching replacement of doors and outhouse that houses electrical equipment at the museums at Tex Ritter Park. The Sundeck structure at Doornbos Park is close to completion. Quotes have been obtained to install a UV System and re-plaster the pool for Council to review to possibly complete before summer season. The Nederland EDC has gifted funds to help cover the cost of replanting all planters and mulch down Boston Avenue, and staff hopes to complete this in time for Heritage Festival. No action was needed. b. Discussion regarding 2016 Recreation Programming. Angela Fanette listed dates and Programs for 2016. These programs are listed as follows: Hooked on Fishing NOT on Drugs, HOFNOD—Feb. 20, Trash Bash—March 5th, Art in the Park—April 2nd, 2016 Pool Season—Memorial Day- Labor Day, May 30th—Memorial Day Service Veterans Park, July 4th—it’s a Monday, Monsters in the Park —TBD in October based on football schedule, Nov. 11th Veterans Day Celebration, Dec. 3rd Christmas on the Avenue. Family Nights will occur during the Pool Season on Thursday evenings, movies will be shown at 4 of the m. No action was needed. c. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from First Baptist Church Nederland to host “EasterFest”. Angela Fanette stated that First Baptist Church Nederland has requested to host its annual “EasterFest” at Doornbos Park on Saturday, March 26th. First Baptist Church Nederland is responsible for Easter Fest in its entirety and has provided the City with additional insured information. Marty Byrd made a motion to approve First Baptist Church Nederland’s request. Stephanie Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 4. ADJOURN There being no other business, Sylvia Root made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brian Gentile seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 12:40pm. ________________________ Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director