2-February 10 2016 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:00 p.m. February 10, 2016 1. MEETING The meeting was held February 10, 2016 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sylvia Root, Stephanie Gallagher, Brian Gentile, Alex Rupp, Marty Byrd (via phone) MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Chris Duque, City Manager, Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Stephanie Gallagher made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Brian Gentile seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 3. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: a. Discussion regarding park projects and improvements. Angela Fanette stated that the construction of sidewalk repairs is nearing completion. The Sundeck at Doornbos Park is also complete, as is Phase I of Veterans Park. The Nederland Swimming Pool resurfacing and UV system install will be done this spring, along with the installation of a new pool fence. Additionally, Angela Fanette stated that the department will be looking at adding additional adult programming and features to the park system. Any input the board would like to provide would be appreciated as we begin planning progra ms and features for the parks system. No action was needed. b. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Brian English to host a spring basketball league and tournament. Angela Fanette presented a request from Brian English to host a Spring Basketball League for area high school teams with a tournament. Cost per team to participate is $120 per team. $10 of the $120 will go to the City of Nederland for usage. Teams will play Monday evenings April 11, 18, 25, and May 2 with tournament dates April 22 and 23, but all dates will be flexible as to what benefits the department schedule. All participants will sign a waiver to participate. There is no insurance available from Mr. English for the league. Brian Gentile made a motion to recommend approval for the league. Marty Byrd seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. c. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Brian English to host a summer basketball league and tournament. Angela Fanette presented a request from Brian English to host a summer basketball league and tournament at the Nederland Recreation Center. At this time, Mr. English did not have pricing information available. No action was taken. d. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Randy Rich for a spring Futsal League. Angela Fanette presented a request from Randy Rich to host an indoor Futsal league at the Nederland Recreation Center. Mr. Rich is requesting six Saturdays of usage for three hours per day in times that work with the facility schedule. Mr. Rich will charge $25 per child to participate in the program, and 20% of all fees collected will be paid to the City of Nederland for usage. All participants will sign a waiver to participate. There is no insurance available from Mr. Rich for the league. Alex Rupp made a motion to recommend approval for the league. Brian Gentile seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 4. COMMUNICATION a. Rotary Club’s Hooked on Fishing Not On Drugs Feb. 20 th at Doornbos Park b. Trash Bash 2016 March 5, 2016 c. Miscellaneous-Chris Duque, City Manager, discussed the International Meetup Day which was scheduled for Feb. 6th in Doornbos Park and then canceled by the organizer due to negative publicity. 5. ADJOURN There being no other business, Sylvia Root made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brian Gentile seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. The meeting concluded at 12:40pm. ________________________ Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director