12-December 13 2017 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:09 p.m. December 13, 2017 1. MEETING The meeting was held December 13, 2017 at the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root MEMBERS PRESENT: Brian Gentile, Alex Rupp, Stephanie Gallagher, Sylvia Root, Marty Byrd MEMBERS ABSENT: None. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Stacy Jacobson, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant 2. APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Brian Gentile made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Stephanie Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye, and the motion carried. 3. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION a. Discussion/possible action regarding possible parks ordinance changes. The board discussed possible ordinance changes including changing some of the rental rates for the Recreation Center and the pool, updating the language regarding rentals and park usage, and making some minor changes to the daily pool schedule. After much discussion, Alex Rupp made a motion to approve these changes; Marty Byrd seconded the motion. All voted aye, and the motion carried. b. Discussion regarding upcoming parks programming. Christmas on the Avenue held on December 2, 2017 was a success. The board discussed possible improvements to the event including having a traffic control plan, or potentially moving it to Doornbos Park. Upcoming events are as follows: the planting of the tulips on Boston Avenue on January 10th, Rotary Club’s HOFNOD on February 17th, and Trash Bash on March 3rd. No action was needed. c. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements. The board discussed improvements to playgrounds donated by the Heritage Festival which included mulch and a new spinner feature to replace the broken duck at Doornbos Park. The pool overhang project should be finished by December 15th. Upcoming park projects include the pool roof, Doornbos park electrical work, and installing the Kiosk in Veterans Park. No action was needed. 4. COMMUNICATION a. Miscellaneous. No items were discussed. 5. ADJOURN There being no other business, Alex Rupp made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Brian Gentile seconded the motion. All voted aye, and the motion carried. The meeting concluded at 1:10 PM. ________________________ Stacy Jacobson, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant