1-January 9, 2019 MinutesCity of Nederland
Parks Advisory Board
12:04 p.m.
January 9, 2019
The meeting was held January 9, 2019 in the City of Nederland Recreation Center at
2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Brian Gentile, Alex Rupp, Stephanie Gallagher, Sylvia Root,
Jason Butler
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Stacy Jacobson,
Recreation/Aquatics Assistant
Jason Butler made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Stephanie
Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
a. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements :
The electrical loop project for Doornbos Park is still ongoing, and materials are
pending engineering approval. The department is getting ready for pool season
starting with removing the broken slide, changing the media in the filters, re-
painting the zero grade which is covered under warranty, and ordering two new
ADA chair lifts. Jason Butler asked if the department was able to order the
temporary lifts as discussed in a previous meeting. Angela Fanette stated the
new lifts would be permanent fixtures during pool season that would be taken
down and stored once pool season ended. Angela Fanette stated additional
water features are being researched for the future. Also, new Christmas décor
will be purchased for usage for Christmas on the Avenue 2019. The Master
Gardeners will plant tulip bulbs in the Boston Avenue planters at the end of this
month, which will bloom just in time for the Nederland Heritage Festival. A
water fountain by the pond is in need of plumbing repair, and all of the
playgrounds have new mulch. No action was needed.
b. Discussion regarding upcoming park programming: Hooked on fishing, not on
drugs (HOFNOD) hosted by the Nederland Rotary Club will be at Doornbos Park
on Saturday, February 23rd, and the citywide cleanup event Trash Bash has
moved from March 2nd to March 9th due to scheduling conflicts with other
community events. Reusable water bottles will be given to each participant.
Team sign up will start within the next few weeks. The Memorial Day
Remembrance Ceremony will take place Friday, May 24th in the morning. Angela
Fanette will ask NISD school groups to participate in this ceremony. The pool
season will begin towards the end of May, and Angela Fanette would like for all
4th of July programing to be completed by May 1st. The department is now
looking for sponsorships for the 4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza. No action
was needed.
c. Discussion/possible action regarding parks ordinance and fees: Stacy Jacobson
recommended the following changes for the parks ordinance to streamline pool
operations: changes include pushing Thursday Family Nights back fifteen
minutes to 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., the addition of a second party on Sunday
evenings, and adjusting rates for entry, pool parties, and season passes,
including a monthly pass option. Jason Butler made a motion to recommend the
new ordinance changes. Alex Rupp seconded. All voted aye. The motion carried.
a. Miscellaneous: Sylvia Root told the board how she was approached about a dog
park. Angela Fanette stated she was told there was an application for a new dog
hospital with a dog park and boarding kennels at the property.
There being no other business, Brian Gentile made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Stephanie Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. The
meeting concluded at 12:51 p.m.
Stacy Jacobson, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant