6-June 5, 2019 MinutesCity of Nederland
Parks Advisory Board
12:03 p.m.
June 5, 2019
The meeting was held June 5, 2019 in the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301
Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Sylvia Root.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Stephanie Gallagher, Sylvia Root, Jason Butler
MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Gentile, Alex Rupp
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Stacy Pinner,
Recreation/Aquatics Assistant
Jason Butler made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Stephanie
Gallagher seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
a. Discussion regarding the waterslide at the Nederland Swimming Pool and
possible Pool improvements.
Angela Fanette stated that slide replacement options vary from about $60,000 to
$140,000 and that options should not have additional pumps and motors
required to help with maintenance. Some example options were shown in
different price ranges. Additionally a zip line option was discussed at a cost of
under $20,000 as an extra option for the pool. Currently there is not a budget
for the project and the city is requesting feedback for what would be best suited
to the area from the board. It was discussed that splash pad plumbing is still
available for items as well. Stephanie Gallagher stated that the slide is a huge
draw for the older children at the pool. Angela Fanette stated that the pool has
been popular and at maximum capacity for the five days of open swim that have
happened this season. Jason Butler asked about entry process and Angela
Fanette stated that is it a bit slow to enter the facility for payment, etc. and that
would be focus for this year to improve. Sylvia Root stated that a ny project
could also be done over time if there are budget constraints. No action was
b. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements :
Angela Fanette stated that the electrical project is still on-going moving quickly
despite weather, and it is planned to be completed by July 4. Three of the
twenty-nine light poles are in place. Angela Fanette stated that a minor
electrical repair is needed at the Veterans Park kiosk and that we are waiting on
that repair. Sylvia Root suggested a park sign for Veterans Park that described
the park and what the kiosk is for and suggested a cover over the top, since in
full sun it is difficult to see. Angela Fanette also stated that maintenance staff is
currently working on cleaning up pavers and planters on Boston Avenue, and
that rain has disrupted the mowing schedule for the department. No action was
c. Discussion regarding upcoming park programming:
Angela Fanette stated the department is currently working on July 4th
programming and that most items are set, including sponsorship. The pool staff
is working on swim lessons and upcoming family night and movie night
programming. No action was needed.
d. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from T ommy Olesky to host a
cross-country meet at Doornbos Park.
Tommy Olesky has requested usage of the park and the Nederland Recreation
Center on September 7th for a cross-country meet sponsored by Nederland
Optimist. Insurance will be provided for the event. The department has hosted
the event in years past. Angela Fanette recommends allowing usage of the park
and Recreation Center. Jason Butler made a motion to recommend to allow
usage of the park and Recreation Center, Stephanie Gallagher seconded the
motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
e. Discussion/possible action regarding a request from Brandon Laird to host a
pool party for NISD middle school band programs.
Brandon Laird has requested usage of the Nederland pool for a private party on
August 9th for C. O. Wilson and Central Middle School band students. NISD will
provide insurance on this usage. Angela Fanette recommends allowing usage of
the pool for the students. Stephanie Gallagher made a motion to recommend to
allow usage of the pool. Jason Butler seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Motion carried.
a. Miscellaneous: none.
There being no other business, Stephanie Gallagher made a motion to adjourn the
meeting. Sylvia Root seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. The
meeting concluded at 1:31 p.m.
Angela Fanette, Parks & Recreation Director