11-November 11 2020 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:02 p.m. November 11, 2020 1. MEETING The meeting was held November 11, 2020 in the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Angela Fanette. MEMBERS PRESENT: Brandin Shaw, Paul Hussey, Alex Rupp MEMBERS ABSENT: Betty Davis-Pruitt, Jason Butler CITY STAFF PRESENT: Chris Duque, City Manager, Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Stacy Pinner, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Alex Rupp made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Brandin Shaw seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 2. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION a. Discussion regarding request from John Richardson regarding outdoor basketball court. The board received comments from John Richardson regarding a request for an outdoor basketball court at either Doornbos Park or Reinstra Park. Angela Fanette discussed parks project planning, the budget process and reviewing new features for the parks. Paul Hussey asked if we were trying to utilize existing indoor basketball court, or new outdoor court. Angela clarified Mr. Richardson’s request was for a new feature. Mr. Richardson stated currently the recreation center is not, an outdoor court would be optimal for kids to utilize during COVID being outside. Paul Hussey asked if there are any outdoor courts at area schools. Mr. Richardson stated they were taken down recently. Chris Duque commented that they were taken down because of COVID concerns. Chris Duque stated that perhaps Cropo Leblanc Park might be a suitable location should the board want to review this project. Alex Rupp asked what the condition was of the concrete slabs at Doornbos Park. Angela Fanette said some repairs would be needed if used for sport play. Mr. Richardson stated that he agreed that would be a good possible location. No action was needed. b. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements. Angela Fanette stated there were a numerous repair after the storms. Repairs include tree removal at Doornbos, Cropo, Reinstra, and Veterans Park. At Tex Ritter Park, the fence, park electrical, light posts, decorative fence, and outhouse was damaged. Because the museums are currently closed, repairs will take place so they can be complete when operations return, which will include a repair to the building foundation. Because of the needed repairs, Christmas décor will only be placed in the front of the park. Brandin Shaw asked if the wagon and small pavilion was damaged as well. Angela Fanette stated it was not. Angela Fanette also stated the monument at Veterans Park was turned, and that a monument company had been contacted to place. On October 23, after both hurricanes, the Recreation Center roof leaked, creating repairs needed for air conditioning and fire panel. The front canopy at the Recreation Center is also leaking into a column. The Swimming Pool Slide project is nearing completion and is waiting on close out documents. Projects proposed for the current budget year are resurfacing the tennis courts and to recoat the pool deck. No action was needed. c. Discussion regarding upcoming park programming. Angela Fanette stated all fall and winter programming has been canceled by City Council action. The department is hosting two virtual contests, a Halloween costume contest that is completed, and the Christmas Art and Essay Contest which will close on December 11 th in order to award prizes. Currently the Nederland Recreation Center is closed, and Council reviews opening progress at every meeting. Additionally, the department has been holding interviews in order to staff the Nederland Recreation Center upon decision to reopen from Council. The Babe Ruth field was used for Babe Ruth League and ASK usage in summer and October, respectively. Paul Hussey stated prior to meeting close, he would like to thank veterans for service in honor of Veterans Day. 3. COMMUNICATION a. Miscellaneous: None 4. ADJOURN There being no other business, Brandin Shaw made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alex Rupp seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. The meeting concluded at 12:40 p.m. Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director