February 10-2021 MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:06 p.m. February 10, 2021 1. MEETING The meeting was held February 10, 2021 in the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Paul Hussey. MEMBERS PRESENT: Brandin Shaw, Paul Hussey, Betty Davis-Pruitt, Alex Rupp MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Butler CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Stacy Pinner, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Brandin Shaw made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Alex Rupp seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 2. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION a. Discussion/possible action regarding outdoor basketball courts. As a continuation of the discussion from the last meeting, Angela Fanette presented an estimate for a new concrete slab for a full basketball court for approximately $25,000.00. In preliminary spacing, it looks as if o nly a half-court would fit at Carl “Cropo” LeBlanc Park. The existing slabs at Doornbos Park would need additional concrete work including removal and repair in areas. After much discussion, Angela Fanette was asked to gather pricing for a half court concrete slab with paint, goals, lighting, and fencing for the next meeting. No action was taken. b. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements. Currently the department is waiting for a new flow meter for the pool slide project, which is near close. An engineer is assessing the necessary repairs for the tennis courts. The roof and brick work on the Recreation center is near completion. The department is looking into the specifications for the repairs of the French house museum foundation at Tex Ritter Park. Once finished, the department will revisit the lighting and electrical at the park for repairs and possible improvements. Colder weather is expected this weekend and staff is winterizing the buildings and parks, including removing the aerator from the pond to avoid freezing. No action was needed. c. Discussion regarding upcoming park programming . Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs hosted by the Nederland Rotary Club will be hosted February 20, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Registration will start at 8:30 a.m. The Rotary club has submitted COVID protocols approved by City Council for this year, and Texas Parks and Wildlife will stock the pond a few days before. Adaptive Sports for Kids is using the Nede rland Recreation Center Saturda y mornings in February for Tae Kwon Do for a small group of participants. Adaptive Sports for Kids has also submitted COVID protocols approved by City Council. The departments Spring Walking Incentive is set to begin around March 1, 2021 and will continue for three months, with incentives to be given for different milestones. No action was needed. 3. COMMUNICATION a. Miscellaneous: None 4. ADJOURN There being no other business, Paul Hussey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alex Rupp seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. The meeting concluded at 12:38 p.m. Stacy Pinner, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant