May 12 2021 PAB Approved MinutesCity of Nederland Parks Advisory Board Minutes 12:02 p.m. May 12, 2021 1. MEETING The meeting was held May 12, 2021 in the City of Nederland Recreation Center at 2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Paul Hussey. MEMBERS PRESENT: Brandin Shaw, Paul Hussey, Alex Rupp MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Butler, Betty Davis-Pruitt CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director, Stacy Pinner, Recreation/Aquatics Assistant APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Alex Rupp made a motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes. Brandin Shaw seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 2. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION a. Discussion/possible action regarding outdoor basketball courts. Angela Fanette updated the board on the City Manager’s input on receiving comments regarding a possible basketball court, and that the City Manager advised any concerned citizen to contact their council member. Brandin Shaw stated he felt that there may be an awareness issue among citizens. Paul Hussey stated that there is current access to a basketball court in the Recreation Center and noticed that the basketball courts at C.O. Wilson were still not available. Paul Hussey stated a concern would be spending the money on a half court when there may be other needs on existing park items. Angela Fanette discussed the budget and how all identified requests and needs are presented. Paul Hussey asked how many people have come to us with this request. Angela Fanette stated she had received emails from four individuals, one of which has attended meetings. Angela Fanette stated she had not received any negative feedback via email or phone regarding the courts. Alex Rupp stated he believes the item to be a budgetary issue. No action was taken. b. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements. Angela Fanette stated the slide should close out at the next City Council meeting. The pool deck project will be done after pool season. Paul Hussey asked if the deck would be repaired or is it going to be replaced. Angela Fanette stated that it would be recoated. And additional concrete would be placed behind the slide. Angela Fanette stated that the French house foundation is complete except receiving pending windstorm certificate. Additional plumbing, lighting, and landscaping repairs and improvements are also pending at the park. The Recreation Center gym has an AC repair that should be completed soon and is pending weather. The department is aware of algae growth at the pond and is working with Texas Parks & Wildlife for an appropriate treatment. Brandin Shaw stated he noticed some pavers around pond may be missing. Angela Fanette stated that the pond would need to be a planned project as it is a retention pond. No action was needed. c. Discussion regarding upcoming park programming. Angela Fanette stated programming has been slowly returning as we work on staffing all seasonal and part time positions in the department. The City is now offering lifeguard trainee program to train staff for the summer. A modified schedule will be presented at the next City Council meeting with plans to add to the schedule as staffing allows for the summer swim season. Alex Rupp asked if Swim lessons offered this year. Angela Fanette stated that due to the later lifeguard classes, lessons would not be available this summer since additional training is needed. A request from Keith Barrow will be presented at the next City Council meeting to offer summer soccer camp. July 4 th programming is currently being planned and may not include the pool this year due to limited staffing. 3. COMMUNICATION a. Miscellaneous: None 4. ADJOURN There being no other business, Brandin Shaw made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Alex Rupp seconded the motion. All voted aye. The motion carried. The meeting concluded at 1:07 p.m. Angela Fanette, Director of Parks and Recreation