1-January 12 2022 minutes APPROVEDCity of Nederland
Parks Advisory Board
January 12, 2022
The meeting was held January 12, 2022 in the City of Nederland Recreation Center at
2301 Avenue H, Nederland, Texas and was called to order by Paul Hussey.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Brandin Shaw, Alex Rupp, Paul Hussey
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jason Butler, Betty Davis-Pruitt
CITY STAFF PRESENT: Angela Fanette, Parks and Recreation Director; Mikaela Clark,
Recreation/Aquatics Assistant
A correction is needed on the minutes for November 10, 2021 . The correction is that
the meeting was called to order by Jason Butler and not Alex Rupp. Alex Rupp made a
motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes with these corrections. Brandin
Shaw seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried.
a. Receive comments from Scott Lunthicum regarding disc golf.
Mr. Linthicum explained how disc golf is played. Discs are like frisbees but fly at
higher speed. Mr. Linthicum would like to see a 9-hole disc golf course at Rienstra
park. Alex Rupp stated that they should discuss with Rienstra family regarding the
purposes of usage for the park. Angela Fanette stated that a setting up a discussion
would be the next step regarding the park. Mr. Linthicum stated that he is course
designer and designed parks in Orange and Beaumont and participates in a disc golf
organization. Mr. Linthicum stated that other locations would not be possible
because of lack of trees for natural obstacles. Mr. Linthicum feels he could assist with
funding. Alex Rupp asked what associated costs were for a disc golf course. Mr.
Linthicum stated 9 baskets would be needed and would require t-boxes, and that
baskets range from $290 to $360 per basket. Brandin Shaw stated that park usage
and discussion with the Rienstra family would be the next step. Angela Fanette
stated that she would do additional research and would follow up with City Manager
regarding discussion with the Rienstra family. No action was needed.
b. Receive comments from Teddy Romero regarding a skate park.
Teddy Romero discussed a request for a skate park after visiting areas outside of
southeast Texas and that his reason to bring up now is because of trend of kids
indoors and on devices, and children are inactive if they are not involved in football,
soccer, tennis, etc. Mr. Romero stated the armory in Beaumont as example skate
park and that there are no places to ride scooters, skates, and skateboards in the
area. Mr. Romero stated that the concrete pad area in Doornbos would be a possible
area and that using sponsors for the funding would be his goal. Alex Rupp asked if
Angela Fanette could research liability for skate parks. Brandin Shaw stated that the
City of Beaumont may be able to assist with park information regarding liability. No
action was needed.
c. Discussion regarding current and proposed park repairs and improvements.
Angela Fanette listed the current and proposed park repairs and improvements. The
pool deck project bids were rejected as only one bid was received and the bid was
incomplete. The project will be rebid later in the summer, in hopes work can begin at
the end of the pool season. A basketball half court is planned for Cropo LeBlanc Park
this budget year. Tex Ritter lighting project is currently being reviewed and
researched. At 1:19pm, Alex Rupp had to leave the meeting. Due to lack of a
quorum, the meeting was adjourned.
Angela Fanette, Parks & Recreation Director