07-24-2023 AgendaNEDERLAND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA NOTICE is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Nederland City Council to be held on Monday, July 24, 2023, 4:30 p.m., at the Nederland City Hall, 207 North 12th Street, Nederland, Texas, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. The City Council reserves the right to retire into Executive Session concerning any of the agenda items whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Members of the public can participate remotely via Zoom Teleconferencing. Citizens may join the Zoom Meeting by clicking on the Virtual Council Meeting https link on the City of Nederland’s website or calling the Zoom Call in Number and entering the Meeting ID# on the City of Nederland’s website. 1. CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA—All consent agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent agenda and considered separately. a. Minutes – July 10, 2023 regular meeting and July 12, 2023 budget workshop meeting b. June 2023 Departmental Reports c. Tax Assessor Collection Report – June 2023 d. Consider action regarding a request from Brian English to utilize the Nederland Recreation Center gymnasium for a basketball tournament. e. Consider action regarding a request from Adaptive Sports for Kids to hold a swim party at the Nederland Swimming Pool. 4. REGULAR AGENDA a. Receive the quarterly Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund financial report from the Nederland Chamber of Commerce. b. Receive the Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality Report). c. Receive comments from John Hatton regarding the Ordinance No. 2022-28, amending Appendix “A” – Zoning of the Nederland Code of Ordinances, amending the zoning regulations of “massage therapist – licensed.” d. Consider action setting a Joint Public Hearing for the purpose of receiving comments regarding the request for a Specific Use Permit for the property located at 2015 Avenue B (lots 4, 5, 6, Block 3 of Ingwersen Subdivision) for a parking lot for the Apostolic Tabernacle of Texas, Inc. (church) in a property zoned R-1 (single-family residential). e. Conduct a Public Hearing regarding the City of Nederland’s intent to submit a Texas Parks & Wildlife Department grant application for the Doornbos Park Pond Improvement project. AGENDA July 24, 2023 Page 2 f. Consider action approving Resolution No. 2023-14, supporting the submittal of a Texas Parks & Wildlife Department grant application for the Doornbos Park Pond Enhancement project. g. Consider action amending the 2022-2023 Wage & Classification Plan. h. Discussion regarding establishing a committee or scheduling a workshop to discuss the City’s Food Truck Ordinance. i. Discussion and possible action regarding the request for City garbage service in the Pirates Cove subdivision. j. Receive presentation from Entergy Transfer regarding their requested widening of Helena Avenue between the railroad tracks and 10th Street. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION (No Public Discussion on These Items) The City Council will announce that it will go into Executive Session, pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, to discuss matters as specifically listed on the agenda, or as authorized by law. Consultation with City Attorney – Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.071 Candlewood Suites – remittance of Hotel Occupancy Tax funds Personnel – Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.074 Discuss personnel – Deliberation of the Appointment, Employment, and Duties of a Public Officer or Employee – Finance Director 6. RECONVENE Reconvene into regular session and discuss and take action, if any, on items discussed in Executive Session. 7. COMMUNICATION City Manager’s Report: a. Miscellaneous 8. ADJOURN Don Albanese, Mayor City of Nederland, Texas AGENDA July 24, 2023 Page 3 ATTEST: Joni Underwood, City Clerk City of Nederland, Texas “PURSUANT TO SECTION 30.07, PENAL CODE (TRESPASS BY LICENSE HOLDER WITH AN OPENLY CARRIED HANDGUN), A PERSON LICENSED UNDER SUBCHAPTER H, CHAPTER 411, GOVERNMENT CODE (HANDGUN LICENSING LAW), MAY NOT ENTER THIS PROPERTY WITH A HANDGUN THAT IS CARRIED OPENLY” "CONFORME A LA SECCIÓN 30.07, DEL CÓDIGO PENAL (ENTRADA SIN AUTORIZACIÓN POR TITULAR DE LICENCIA CON UNA PISTOLA VISIBLE), UNA PERSONA CON LICENCIA BAJO EL SUBCAPÍTULO H, CAPÍTULO 411 DEL CÓDIGO DE GOBIERNO (LEY DE LICENCIAS DE PISTOLAS), NO PUEDE ENTRAR EN ESTA PROPIEDAD CON UNA PISTOLA VISIBLE”