Early Voters Roster 4-28-2023"1\PfID:!\'1'1' hO►i "(D'1'1SR SOT O` LIST: II) initialing the square labeled-Aflidavit for Voter Not on i.Fst," I svvcl)r or affirm that I (A) aru a resident or the precinct in which 1 ani offering to vote or ant otherwise entitled --- i �L;ti .%�- - ` s� j ytol•� Swlo') 'iImnl by lavv to vote in that precinct, (it) was a resilient of the precinct in which I aal offering to vote at file tints the information on illy residence address was last provided to tits voter registrar, (C) did not deliberately provide 7 false information to secure registration ire .1 precinct in whieit 1 (10 not reside, and (tD) ani voting Only once in fill` election. ---- _ ----- - — — o ,�,;----}�-- 'JUItA�1GN I'O DC. VOTAX'i'E: AI Itnnar con ais iniciales c! cWith o mareauto "Aceptu lurnr.:cluu", yo deciaro o a(irntu que (A) sty residents del precinto en el cµte ulrezco solar a que de Dino mtrtio estoy aworizada por Fey Para voter k Ot. `1 I t_ t .I I [J cn cstc precinto• (13) era residcntc tee eslc precinto cuando Ic di al tecistradur do cotantes la inlin'ntncicin penencciruln a mi tlirccciixt resideurial. (C) no di inlormacitin falsa prcnmtliutdamente Para ascgurar mt registro en un precinto sop aw lvlpq paq!aasgns put: (n Moms cn el coal no resido. y (I)) voutrc solarocntc una vcc cu la ciccciGn. *N'O"i'ER'S SINIMAR NANIE AFFIDAVIT: if if is determined that the name on the form of identification provided under § 63.0101 is sit bsttuttially similar per § 63.001(c), by initialing the square labeled "1 -Li 3 Voter's ^S(milar \arc Affidavit; 1 swear or afGrtn 1 a)n the person on the 1(vf of registered voters or the person on the voter registration certifiente, and i am one and the saute as the person maned on the identification provided. initials "DGCLARAC16N JURADA DE NOMBRL SIMILAR DEL VOTANTE: Si se dctctmirm que el nontbre en el formulario de idenlificaci6n prcvisio en § 63.0101 es substancialmente similar previsto ell §63.001(c), al colocar mis iniciales en r �� lv "� (Iniciales del Volatile) el cuadro mareado "Aceptar Declaraci6n Juroda"„uro o afi nto (Iuc soy la peism:a en in lista de votanfes regisirados o la persona en el certificado de regisuo do votantes, y yo soy into y cl mismo como la persona nombrxada en la identificaci6n uo!1an o iuuan moat Aj!lot )n proporciouad a. I ) ) V Sbuilar Name ,\Ilidaait Pur\'ntcr Aaiun J Natou 6dlate!` For use in Primary Election - A person Commits a criminal offense if file person limn ingly votes in a primacy election or participates in a convention of another party during the same voting year. mecklracfdn.lmilar IIIYtRlI Vullnw Alla �• a , ' Ile \nmhrt� titndlnr del y'ntaa4. Para Uso en la Ekccion printana -Una persona csL•i culpable do uua ofersa criminal si tal penoaa moan con cttnocinnrafu en eta c)rccilin ,nrmaria o participa sou conocintiento en una convencitin de oleo partido politico durance Sign Below (F t) me 11Sted abdjo) del t'otallte Na en t, IA,ra` ci misnlo ailo de t otacitlm a r vtnV i1't1I ' 3 z2w ?,042(91, � 4 L. _ ? d ) 9 k MO L01 P// Pi — PA a U1 � '�Ql 11 01 10 / q W'✓ "Io lauraandop;tafticsjkYj% t,rtr vrta,ltttrvlt1 an�.tfillV.xv{av11 ESa)LIL')On 7P 1?)SI ]) ls�ri I,O'(1 LIMA '0i�jIJ11Wa.ld /C)11fi07g).V,.13uC' V'V,/1/V2uj hlID �>.S) f`� Ly' Ltu'G'IV"IV3/�/1U I'll- I'1 i J / Jj f • ti lama o nni ou a urlo.v , [.ua r, aotl csm:a c n oral! w uo!aaloun min earn { smttu , 1 otlstSat a y 1lotJ�o J 0) OCj( llo[ JJ 5 o ,d,i liOI��� 1 �) L'l JJ I10i 1:D 0 :1 C O[jt U01 CJO F 1 l 1• i ff i p p l l'1 o a t l I i.) ) 1I.1 I. i 1 �) ) );I,@ (I S) 1:1 11a aitlejox imp 1,itlt«1111 ;a 1•nrunuiu Ic.to)aala prt:ltdo un :,agttiou its artua(l aptnul Ott atttelo.v unSln IS- •mllis at algtt in si .talon 3q) u0smaa ag101 sir u0l)r,)on u aryew1tua .taiso.t a.rutim"lls ayt , nwdsaaao' n araar, v ) vt dd t a,u I uo 0lttnm s',.nt0A aq) muld pints prlay)o u011aata un °atunn aay�snt w IS of a1gn«u st .ta fate a )I (• I J lF) (• iq :..I \ ,i.1 ,J (1-11M10:11004-WR'I W q r y unn.i lln(i-1.tgmoN n,Cttlital 1("n,a"i,•ia`ul�ironrmltlre'Ice.ura isecorsu'nocaau,nca �IILj0r1 !1[.iii`j .IRI-13ISOII A11140n'CI.11.2rI b-ontavaornrnun�xoov�l7lUEe'llonl�auecn,��(u!.tui(1uttoi its:a ap ii ua )nu!lnui •si)m:)un '1p a)ui)s!sc r.netl «t)s solruu!npn scau!l !s) saltmloA ip oluols!sV # 0Ilt1'7 sires a0 Nrla,nxS !q nuqusxaut xv D feliaotco-tvo�vm.w,udsssa p1IL b NOA NOlxiNNiSM10J ssi.11111V•atteyapntiul (un.un)slylyoyat:yatlluoiuug)uoi'S.tassaamlm�tesattlltun)Nest:.1310ill:no111ppu,p)tualslssl'•t,tOA � ) I t rc-C oz slat ;,w vgiaq P'<IlJisgnti�} du ;.TM�S cI (u V `),v3 v 3 P1 uona�la 9uu:lnpuoa ,Su toyinV Si Below (Fil-Ille usted tlbajo) Voter's Initials (lniciales del Votanle) similar\mac Allidm it rnr VOW .\ntdaair fat m, t.l,t^ tkclat �ribu Jurada neeluracinn Jurada de Sombre S1milar del V"tantc - IV Valance* \" cn la l.iata* i *AFFIDAVIT FOR VOTER NOT ON LIST: By initialing the square labeled "Affidavit for Voter Not on List," I swear or affirm that I (Alain a resident of the precinct in which 1 am offering to vote or am otherwise entitle did not deliberately rovi provided to The voter registrar, C o e e by 1:n1' to vote in that precinct, (B) was a resident of the precinct bt which I am offering to vote at the time the information on my residence address was last pr d eb + ( ) Y P false Information to secure registration in a precinct in which I do not reside, and (D) am voting only once in the election. *JURAMENTO DE VOTANTE: Al finnar con ntis inicinles el cuadro marcado "Acepto Jmtimento", yo declaro o alinno que (A) soy residonte del precinto en el que ofrezco volur o que de otro modo estoy autorizado por ley pare vot en este precinto, (B) era residente de este precinto cuundo le di al registrador de votantes la infomtuci8n perieneciendo a nti direecitin residencial, (C) no di inl1ormaci6n lalm premediiadamente pam asegurar mi registro en un precinj en el cunl no resido, y (D) votard solaniente una vez en la eleceion. *VOTER'S SIMILAR NAME AFFIDAVIT: If it is determined that the name on the form of identification provided under S 63.0101 is substa ntiully similar per g 63.001(c), by initialing the square labeld ":Similar Name Affidavit," I swear or alarm lain the person oil the list of registered voters or the person of the voter registration certificate, and I am one and the same as The person named on Cite identification provided *DF.CLARACION JURADA DE NObIBRE SIMILAR DU VOTANTE: Si se determiva que el nonibre en el fomn lario de identilicaci6n previsto en § 63.0101 es substancialmentc similar previsto en §63.001(c), al colocar mis inicinles e el cuadro ntareado "Aceptar Decianici6n Jurada", juro o alinno que soy la persona en la lisle de votantes registlndos o in persona en ci certif?cado de registro de votantes, y yo soy uno y el mismo como In persona nombradn en !a identificaci4 proporcionada. For use in Primary Election - A person commits a criminal offense if the person knowingly votes in it primary election or participates Tn a convention of another party during the same voting year. Para Uso en la Election Prinmtia - Una persona esul culpable de una ofensa criminal si lul persona vola con colocinliento en uua elccci(m prin?aria o purticipa con conociniiento en unit convention de otro partido politico dumntc' el ntlsmo aiul de votucton. +1 1 V 81T.1 t,'7fi�hti b'Cf- 1 i t 44 1�9 rj Oro 3-v S 11:0V S3wkJ i i 1t���rs kr� -91iJJ7 ICJ1IMYa/V ©o i <<.aauc.II IMA-40141PlN nau)g opnd Ott altmlim Ia pull, l] JOLI usnU III opurllpul uynrtoue into y.n:y d st?utgl ZIP o.usi9o.l la tla alto?to,1 i; p oxluum I' nrrtun r. IaJotiale pnayo un'algtuou ns.irul.ni apand ou a1m?ton unSlu !S 'uy3(s of alcilaill sl .wtm.t aqT uoseaJ a111 of sil uolinlou rc ayunl pue Jllso.l a.mptu ils aq7 Ito atucu s,Japm aryl alultl Ilt is It?1111Jo uollaa(a till'amuu Ja111sgl UJIS of li(iuu t si Ja)oe U JI W o 0111PIoA lap 011PIWoa) SSa.Ippd.laaoA 7.31'-"ds� r ville o'-4t) h.Ll�j o (uolaaala ap od1j) uoipaig jo ad: j � a (apuodsauo,) Is Jaamlh (olqualidd lJ! tiaagJ) I -V. 95 � b -. t1' -i;z.nTL / O Z-<k1 ,Vz 1 S, -C % �K -, 0 C-L-yz Id 7 �-ht Ql;�- L-tt11 (aotaaal;l ap egaad) 11CIP-1al3.lo 300 i i b� i olauiv.v,l op •tunN •ON;aulaaad R4utno4 V44.7 ty.iU>1rV _10 kt.1 (Oit!S) uol.piaoi I� j I UMA .11)03a+llaa tir.w . tun tut-1OA X1.i921 -10J .INSOW tul-IOA XPU l ttO11)'11I(ll `i"m tltl?tl nrutt'sali 1 ! 1 I ttltl'Z9t 1 IZI'LN'Itill':S'Ztltl'IS'i£tl't9'lt0'£9 ' 'Utllt't:') '6UU'f9 '9t10'f9 `t0a'£9 '£011'f9 'itll!'tiV 'llllll'f9 'lUll'Sy stugpas � r�T�7 `� �r t�AT (ounlntwoJ also ap os.tanv Ia Ua anuquoJ'salu[?lon ap aluatsisr, u.uxl sm)rsaaou nos sop?uL»alp)! snauil Is) solar?lq� ap O1na1s15�! # aU1 yeti ft111Z/lit UZ-5 u[aua ;? alms )o .011.)Aias SLI pagllasa.I,l �iil. irrl (! ��I ��� Z�1��wu Da SSadppd `amUN apnlaul (m.IOJ sill) JO )I,lm(I atll (10 anullltol `�ijusSaaml aJIT saull illl'is!sSil .IajOA iruo!Ilppu Jl) Zuu)slssVJ3)oA I Voter Assistant (if additional voter assistant lines are necessary, continue oil the back of this form) Include Name Address Prescribed llc Secretary of state # Porni 5-20 nv2 ' COMBINATION FORM and °0 _ J Lane # Asistente de Votantes (si linens udicionalcs son ncecsarias pare asistente de votantes, continue en ei reverso de este formulnrio) Sections 63.110A, G3.IH)a1. r>3.UO2, 63.003, 63.110J, G3.0UG. 63.1109. 63. ineiuya Norabre, Direceitiu Early Voting Roster for Early Voting 6.1.011, 64.032, 81.002, twRd131, 87.121 and 162.00.11'eAas Election Code { County Precinct No. VUID Num. do Precincto 6 �5 3 4�✓ 1 3 � q 2 3`1 Co 9 (Check if Applicable) Warcar A Cotrespond0l ' m J Date of Flection (Fecha de eleccian) Type of Election (T'po de eleceibn) Poll List (Lists de Votantes) Vntar A del Vntnntel a, >? r., _ o fn Rlliff Ls �G•Lt (1 ; T I(22�71 yoN3 O 1V!lo �u-Q. ���z.pf� qq 1 � 00 � a' 6ea-4-ge.fir-it IIC9OV73 � { i�br� l )!a103o (,6� endfS7 M (be u G 4. 'F,) t,,,) If it voter is unable to si n his/her » acne, an cleet)on official shall place the voter's name oil the signature roster anti inake a notation as to the reason the voter is unable to sign. Si algem volatile no puede firmar su nombre, un oficia) Occloral apuntan) el nombre del votatne en el j registro de fimtas y hard una anotaciGn indicundo In causa por lit curl el votantc no pudo firnar. Cirsttatnt•o /Firmal � � i 17 0' 6 � 8 L •uglaP.)OA OP our. Ouls)tu 1.) ..I'll 01113 oy .,wmot wp a)tlaanp, OJptiod op(pud OAO all UgtaWAUoa tun ua ow!wpottoa tt03 ediatuad o Lptluitatl uopa1la van ua owiW100UOJ UOO L)OA nuosJad ILI Is jru!wp3 LSUajo can op olqudln3 Visa uuoS.lad ruff - rlJral?Jd 11g103J13 rl 110 Osn Wed jonn.A lop .tuatutg nnµuoti ap anJd 3ul1oA awtts Jq) Sulanp ,f)aad aaglaaa Jo uoljuanaoJ u ul sa)ud(apaud ao uoij3alJ dattwraa ttuI sajoA di lupxoaN agsaad alit Jr JsuaJJo Iuulwla3 u sjlulwoJ nosaatl V - uollaalg ,fautul.ld ul asn and upam` uulawul3aU opo,.r `n pwapHl I t \ a PIOV ".` 1amA "uaaPRIV anm%jaltag5 •aPtuolaaodwd uolaP.agpnapl rl u3 epwgwou Uuoslad Ll outoa outsnu to d oun dns od d'saturto.t ap oals)Stu ap opr gpja3la u3 LuosJad a) o soputls)9aJ solullloA Op Iliq ul ua uuo uod III dos anb ouugL o oanf'„ LptunF ug(ararlaaq aulda3V„ opranttu oaprna la a; sa LlalUt Stitt a11J0 Oa a ' a ua o)s1AaJd Jt: lwls attmLu uptruts ns sa ua olslnatd ug)aral pus 1 a opa nwe o ua oat won o anb nuluuala as I 01=10A (3p S-NUPtu) l' I I ()100'£9§ I i g 1010'£9§ J P P I JI 1 1 P S 3LNVI.pA18Q2(VIiWIS 1NflWON9UVQVyf]f�1QIDVVV1J:lr1� si1t11ltti 'paplAOJd U0[jlt3tjtjUJpt Jql UO PJtUUU UOSJad atlj sU Jutus Jt(I pun alto tua I putt'JjU3yI1aJJ nopira)slria l aajoA all) no uoSaad aql Jo Staj0A P0Jajsl9aa Jo JSlt all; no unwad alit tUIt 1 111-1 JU a0 JUJUS I „')!AUPUJV OUJUN JUIIIIIIS., palaqu( a.lanbs Jill flullulllul dq `(a)I00*fq § lad anqulls d((ngualsgns sI IOIo'i9 § aapun paplAwd «opuay(juapl Jo waoj aql no awuu aq) )uq) paulwaajap si 11 J[ 4LiAVUId3V 3WVN ?IV 1I1N1S S,2I3LOAs s,JJj°l (ofi.qu pa)Sn aL11.11Ato(afi IIJIS Authority conducting election C"' {y o-' Oe dew f a4,tj •tm=la III ua ZOA nun OIUatuaios gaatnA (0) d `OPIsw ou Irma 13 ua Swom to mid subscribed before n : this o)u)aaad an ua oatsi4aa iw aP.anflase rand alu1luupLpp"1w Vd uslaj ugpnwJojul Ip on (:))'Paauaplsoa uo)a3alip nu u opua(aaua)Jod uglaeuuoju( ul soluuioA Op aopaJls!2w In ip of opuuna olwaaad alsa op aluopisaJ tua (l)'olulaattl Jlsa ua tUloA ulud da(aud vprz(JoulL ,rolsa opoul oJlo , p anb o JtuoA v3zaJjo anb la ua oturaaad (ap amap)saa ,COS (V) anb ouuuP, o wnloop 0t %,O)uawaanl o)d"V„ OPPODUw OJPena ID SNUlatul slut u03 sunny iV OIN VJ.OA -10 0.LN3N V1lnT,? � --- day of _ _ �K < 2016. •ual)aJla 0111111 03UO diuo 11m10A tllu (a) putr'apisa.l )on op I g3igm al )3ujaa.ld it III uollea).0aa aanaas of uopulwojul asµlj e , �] aplit-d Slal--tulip Ion pip (a)'J1talSIMU J010A JII) 01 PJplAoad jSUi SLAT SSJ.Ippu J3uaptSm Sul no U0I1ltwa0jul Jg) alull Jlp ju al,0A 01 aulaago (no i gJIgm Ul jmipaJd aql jo juaplsat U SLAB (g)'I,lupJad jutil ul ajoA of unj dq Early Voting Clerk o3nuua osIA+/'Into uur.l0 aloe of 9ulaauo lull 1 113111m ul laulaaul agl jo jllaptsaa u tun (V) I lugl UI.ILJja ao.111,3Ms I „qsl� uo )oN Ja10A J0J 1iALPgJV„ pJlaqui aaanbs Jql �uilulllul dti t.LSI-I NO ION 212110A 1103 .i.1AV(I hldV 9. 17 z .rnyli\ 1�1%t`�ial� 9ur10A ,C1nr.1 iWr spli aut maj iti paqu . q is pun of uuo,%%S d IV V V3 f 11 / Voter's Initials 0 �1 l-1 (Inici:dcs del Volume) tionJafa Btlll3l1P«o1,tllJo1llnV Sinillar\onie ,\aidurit For\uler ANdm it• Not an List• mcelaral:Mn Jurada DL•elaraetbn Jurudu Sign Below (('il'ine usted abajo) de Nolishm. ndlur oti\•otunte del Votante• No cn la I,istu• 7I 2 3 4 5 6 7 r —�+ 19 *AFFIDAVIT FOR VOTER NOT ON LIST: By initialing the square labeled "Affidavit for Voter Not on List," I swear or affirm that 1(A) am a resident of the precinct in which i mn offering to vote or am otherwise entitled law o vote in that precinct, B was a en f by t t t p t. , O resident o the precinct in which [ am offering to vote at the time the information on my residence address was last provided to the voter registrar, (C) did not deliberately provide' false information to secure registration in a precinct in which I do not reside, and (D) am voting only once in the election. *JURAMENTO DE VOTANTE: Al firmar con mis iniciales el cuadro mareado "Acepto Jummento", yo declaro o ofinno quo (A) soy residente del precinto on cl que orrezco votar o que de otro modo estoy autorizado por ley para votar en este precinto, (B) era residence de este precinto cuando le di al registrador do volantes la infornaci6n perleneciendo a mi direcci6n residencial, (C) no di infonmaci6n falso premediladmnente Para asegur[r mi mgistm on un precinto en el coal no resido, y (D) votar6 solumente una vez en In. clecci611. *VOTER'S SIMILAR NAME AFFIDAVIT: If it is determined that the name on the form of Identification provided under § 63.0101 is substantially similar per § 63.001(c), by initialing the square labeled' "Similar Name Affidavit," I swearor affirm i am the person on the list of registered voters or the person on the voter registration certificate, and 1 am one and the saloons file person named on the Identification provided. *DECL.ARACi6N JURADA DE NOMBRE SIMILAR DEL.VOTANTE: Si se deteniiina quo el nombre on el fonnulado de identificaci6n previsto on § 63.0101 es substancialmeive similar provisto en §63.001(c), al colocar mis iniciales on el cuadro mareado "Aceptur Declaraci6n Jurida", juro o afirnio que soy In persona on in lista de volantes registrados o la persona one] certificado do registro de volantes, y yo soy uno y cl mismo coino la persona nonlbrada on In identificaci6n' proporcionada. For use in Pritnary Election -A person commits a criminal offense if the person knowingly votes in a primary election or participates In a convention or another party during the same voting year. Para Uso oil In Elecci6n hrinlarin - Una persona esta culpable de rind orensa criminal si tal persona vota con collocinliento on una clecci6n priniaria o paricipa con conocimienta on unit convenc16n de otro par -Lido politico duriilte cl mismo aho do votacitin. oWo •iruut, opnd ott attltlloA 13 Irma u� .cod usnea uu ul opaiput ugtaunun icni« uleq X smug ap 0.11StiiaJ •* g o c 1a ua outntoA lap aJgtuou is g.Jraint r, µtolaola letaµo tut `a tgtuou as Jumig apand on a,nalaA unSln IS ro I '111.11s of algrun S1 Jalo•i atit uasuaJ agl al sit uol►alott u w4otu pun Jalsoi aanlnuflis aql nm o aine s,.ia,a.\ aill .multi Brgs lrlatJJit tml►aala mr'ammi Jagg u 1st;Its of alquunn si ialoA u JI r a nodsauo, rs Jn[uu a �atdd P J W (lq l d3 t mat K IJI� uo,iaa13 s«ia.1. No-e9l Pun 1Z1'Ls'lE0'Ss `Z00•18`ZE0'69'11010 2III40A X1.19►9 -10J .IalSON tuu0A SIA93 1010'E9 '600'E9 '900T9 `001'9 *00*0 700.0 `1100 E9 ' 100'tt) suulix S TAT pup' � T 7 �7 �T {�� �� Riot/to UZ-StuJo:tpanttSJa{irtaJaaS.Cgpagl.iasaa.i i/f1�0�11�LO�J.V 1V�Qlt�lO� I soak OkZ°� V ��°�� ��' 9 i 0itiJA-V W. ' L ry -,a�5n �etbS 6 01. . olau[a:ud ap •ulna, (01UMoA tap olilalLLlaQ) ssa,lppb.la)OA �(SC)MMOA ap PISI-I) )si'1 iiod GMA •off lattla"d Sjuno: • a��'J,rs}$ � ''p'v3rv5�� 1�!,.t'� � l ��/��� t ikiw �J•_f`) I I ttnr-H-q•c�'3V3�t (taolaaala op od1j) uol)aala,lo ad �Cl (uolaaala ap I Llaad) uol)aal-,q.#o a)ud (obis) fl® )830-1 ugtaaadi(i `aJgtuolsl n,Cnioui (ounint it)i alsa ap osJano.t 13 ua anulliloo `sallloloA op olualstsr, o.lrld Smntsaaau uoS Soinuotagmt suauti ts) salurloA ap a1uaiSisV # atl!. ] ssaippV'attiu;I apnlaul (tu imJ slgl Jo slauq ails Ito anulluoa'hussaaau matt saull laulslSSu aaloA pt1.110111p iltJi) luulslSSV.1010A